We all want our work to be evidence-based, but how do you balance your intense daily demands with the critical need to consider EBP? Do you feel like you have the resources you need if an administrator or parent asks you a question that demands an evidence-based response?

Here are some 10-minute strategies to apply this week!

1. Read and share this parent-friendly article on evaluating products Cheat Sheet to Evaluate a Product.

2. Take ten minutes to familiarize yourself with the incredible practice portal from ASHA. Sign in now, and just take a look around to see where your dues are going! Here’s an example from the section on Work Setting Resources/Schools dismissal criteria.

3. While still on ASHA’s practice portal, check the clinical topics and disorders section for a summary of information on your topic of concern. Here’s a sample of a link for selective mutism: https://www.asha.org/Practice-Portal/Clinical-Topics/Selective-Mutism/

4. Consider making learning social! Subscribe to Facebook Groups, discussions, and newsletters which focus on EBP to increase new learning. As an example, review “Talking EBP”, with this issue addressing auditory processing disorders.

5. Consider Dr. Lof’s systematic checklist evaluating evidence when reading through background material on a specific question that you have.

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