Are you anxiously waiting for your CA RPE license to be approved? Here is the quick link to online license verification. While you will receive your license in the mail,  your approval will show up here first. Simply type in your first and last name to see if it has posted.

Be aware that there are still COVID policy changes/waiver information on the SLPAB website. Telesupervision is currently approved through August 31, 2021. Historically, these waivers are issued for 60 day periods close to or shortly after the expiration date, so this may be extended again.

If you are new to California, or new to our profession, WELCOME! The CTC and SLPAB websites are the best source of up-to-date information, but if you are looking for a quick “cheat sheet” on the big picture of licensing and credentialing in California, be sure that you take a look at the Pacific Coast Speech Services Paperwork Flow Sheets for Prospective Graduates and those New to California.