Hybrid, In-Seat and Distance Learning: Oh My!! This has undoubtedly been one of the most…unusual years of our careers. Some of you have been operating under hybrid or in-seat conditions for a while, and most of the rest are returning in the next few weeks. All of you are creeping toward the finish line, and need fast ways to flexibly treat students while protecting your health. This newsletter features some quick ideas for in-seat services after a year of becoming more comfortable with tele-practice.

Featured Tech Corner: Adapting Digital Materials for In-Seat Instruction

We are so glad to see our students, but we will miss some of our new favorite Boom Cards, Powerpoints, and other digital tools. How can we keep our students engaged for in-seat work while protecting ourselves?

Idea #1:  If you have a Smart Board, use it! If not, try to rustle up a projector from district storage! Some SLPs are finding that a white board/butcher paper and projector with an adapter cord can create opportunities to continue to use favorite digital inter-actives with both in-seat and distance learners. One clever SLP even ordered a set of wireless mice for her group members, and uses a multiple USB port so that they can take turns without sharing the mouse.

Idea #2:  A second screen. Many schools have extra monitors or even TVs in storage. These can easily connect to your laptop or iPad with a simple adapter cord. An older Chromebook will work too!

Idea #3:  An iPad and laptop. Many people have found this combination helpful during distance learning. Gallon sized disposable bags (either twist tie for single use or Zip lock for sterilizing) still allow touch. Best for individual sessions.